
Sunday 1 November 2015

Things To Do When Feeling Down

Lately I have had a time, where I have been feeling down. It's not something new, it just comes from time to time.In this post I want to talk about some things you can do, to lead your thoughts on something else. 

IMG_1373.JPG vises

1. Croching
 A thing I've learned since last time I was an inpatient on the mental hospital, I needed something to do with my hands. I asked my mom if she would learn me how to do. And she would. Now i've made about three hats, and I really love how you can see for everytime you do something that you're getting closer to the end. You can see more croched things here:

2. Doodling 
One of the things I have been loving doing for months now is doodling. There is a ton of books made for adults for example Secret Garden or Mandalas.

3. Movie
It is always a good idea to watch a movie. The only problem I have is, that I can never stay concentrated for 90 minutes or more. Anyways it is always a possibility to split it up into small bites then when the movie is done, you have the feeling that you have done something to the end. I love that feeling. 

4. Reading
I have finally got into reading again. I really love it. Right now I'm reading Girl Online Written by Zoe Sugg. I love her book, and she is also my favorite blogger. 

I hope you enjoyed this post, of course there are many more things you can do for example take a walk. This is just the things I enjoy the most. 


Saturday 31 October 2015

Questions about me

What is your middle name?: I have 2… Elizabeth June
Dear followers.
Since it's a long time since I blogged for real, I wanted to do this post. I borrowed the questions from
What was favourite subject at school?: Psychology
What is your favourite drink?: Ice tea
What is your favourite song at the moment?: I think it is How Long Will I Love You :)
What is your favourite food?: I'm not quite sure actually.
What is the last thing you bought?: A pair of adidas pants.
Favourite book of all time?: More than you can chew!!
Favourite Colour?: Dark red and navy
Do you have any pets?: Yes I have a labrador
Favourite Perfume?: Chanel
Favourite Holiday?: My dancing trip to Sweden
Are you married?: Nope
Have you ever been out of the country, if so how many times?: Yes
Do you speak any other language?: Danish and a tiny bit of german.
How many siblings do you have?: None
What is your favourite shop?: Bookstores
Favourite restaurant?: I don't know
When was the last time you cried?: Today
Favourite Blog?: I love Zoella
Favourite Movie?: 9. April - A danish movie
Favourite TV show?: Gilmore Girls and Greys Anatomy
PC or Mac?: I have a PC, but want a Mac
What phone do you have?: Black iPhone 6
How tall are you?: 5ft 5
Can you cook?: No :(

Hope you enjoyed

Friday 30 October 2015

Okay what happened?

Dear readers.

The last year I have been struggeling to write on my blog. Not because I didn't want to, but because I have been ill. Not physically but mentally. This is difficult to write, because it is a very private topic, and I didn't know whether to write it or not, but now I did it. 

During the last 6 month I have been in and out of the mental hospital three times. Two of them were really short, but the second time was two weeks. It helped me a lot. When nothing but your thoughts are filling up your head, it is kind of nice to go in and be able to talk about everything and become able to actually sleep.I changed school after the first time I was in. That was the best decition I've ever made. Now I actually love to go to school, but it is very hard.

Another thing that happened to me is an amazing thing. I got a boyfriend. An amazing guy. We just took a big step into our relationship and bought a car together. So exiting.

I wanted to make this ost to tell what has been going on, but I will work on to actually post more.


Monday 5 October 2015

I'm Back!

Yay I'm back! I've missed blogging so much, and now I have the time again to blog. A lot of things have happened. I've got a boyfriend, I changed school and I've been way too much on the hospital. I am really looking forward to blog a lot more in the future.

Xxx Lenette

Thursday 15 January 2015

2015 Beauty Wishlist

This is what I want in 2015 - enjoy :)

1.       A good browpencil Since my brows are quite light I find it difficul to find a proper browpencil, or powder for that sake. Now I’m using an old eyeshadow, but it fits my browshade perfektly, but I don’t know where I got it from.

2.       More mac lipsticks I got one last year, and I absolutely love it! It´s easy to apply, it is proper pigmented and it´s just perfect,

3.       A new mascara In 2014 I didn´t buy new brands of mascara, I sticked to what I knew. This year, I want to buy a new one, but the thing is, I´m  quite picky with my mascaras, because I don´t want my lashes to stick together or look too fake.

4.       Real Techniques brushes Last year I was really annoyed, that we didn´t have Nic and Sam´s brushes in Denmark. Until I remembered the internet, so now I’m able to buy them! But this is a thing I just wanna get in 2015.

5.       Zoella Beauty This year I want to get some of Zoe´s products. Not just because they are so pretty but also because I´m quite positive that they smell amazing.

6.       Naked pallettes In my opinion the Naked pallette is soooo expensive, BUT I´ve also learned, that you get better products if you pay a little more.

These are the things I want to get in 2015, so lets see if I get that J
Stay strong, stay safe and enjoy life
Xoxo Lenette

** The Picture is not mine**

Wednesday 14 January 2015

New Years Resolutions

Yup I know... Blogmas didn't go too well.. Actually not at all! I wrote two posts I think. Unfortunately December has been a really crazy month for me, where I couldn't cope with, so I had to get my priorities right.

Well this is the 'New year, new me' time. This year I haven't gotten any real new years resolutions because I never stick to them. But I still have thought of some things I wanna improve this year.

Sleep 2014 was a year, where my sleeping pattern has turned really bad. Sometimes it was 3.30 am before I go to bed, and having a stressed day, homework and School isn't exactly easy. Therefore this year am Í going to try to sleep before 11 pm every day.

Food  This year I want to focus on having a nutrisious diet. I'm not on a diet, but I want to focus on having as much energy as possible.

Homework A thing I'vew always been really bad at is staying focused on school. Both homework and my classes. This year I have to Work my but off so I can get into med school.  As my motivation I created a studyblr tumblr which is great at motivating me. Also I'm watching loads of Gilmore Girls.

Me 2014 has been a year where I haven't focused on myself at all! I've been seeing a psychologist, but that's 45 minutes a week I focus on myself. This year I want to get better at saying no, and do what I want.

Blog Last but not least, do I want to post more blogs. I need to get more posts than last year, and since this is my first, I'm already a lot behing. My goal is, to post at least twice a week, so in the end of this year, I'll have 104 blogposts. Also I wanna improve the content of my posts.

This is the five Things I wanna focus on this year, I will try to do a monthly update on them :)

Stay strong, stay safe and enjoy life
xoxo Lenette