
Thursday 15 January 2015

2015 Beauty Wishlist

This is what I want in 2015 - enjoy :)

1.       A good browpencil Since my brows are quite light I find it difficul to find a proper browpencil, or powder for that sake. Now I’m using an old eyeshadow, but it fits my browshade perfektly, but I don’t know where I got it from.

2.       More mac lipsticks I got one last year, and I absolutely love it! It´s easy to apply, it is proper pigmented and it´s just perfect,

3.       A new mascara In 2014 I didn´t buy new brands of mascara, I sticked to what I knew. This year, I want to buy a new one, but the thing is, I´m  quite picky with my mascaras, because I don´t want my lashes to stick together or look too fake.

4.       Real Techniques brushes Last year I was really annoyed, that we didn´t have Nic and Sam´s brushes in Denmark. Until I remembered the internet, so now I’m able to buy them! But this is a thing I just wanna get in 2015.

5.       Zoella Beauty This year I want to get some of Zoe´s products. Not just because they are so pretty but also because I´m quite positive that they smell amazing.

6.       Naked pallettes In my opinion the Naked pallette is soooo expensive, BUT I´ve also learned, that you get better products if you pay a little more.

These are the things I want to get in 2015, so lets see if I get that J
Stay strong, stay safe and enjoy life
Xoxo Lenette

** The Picture is not mine**

Wednesday 14 January 2015

New Years Resolutions

Yup I know... Blogmas didn't go too well.. Actually not at all! I wrote two posts I think. Unfortunately December has been a really crazy month for me, where I couldn't cope with, so I had to get my priorities right.

Well this is the 'New year, new me' time. This year I haven't gotten any real new years resolutions because I never stick to them. But I still have thought of some things I wanna improve this year.

Sleep 2014 was a year, where my sleeping pattern has turned really bad. Sometimes it was 3.30 am before I go to bed, and having a stressed day, homework and School isn't exactly easy. Therefore this year am Í going to try to sleep before 11 pm every day.

Food  This year I want to focus on having a nutrisious diet. I'm not on a diet, but I want to focus on having as much energy as possible.

Homework A thing I'vew always been really bad at is staying focused on school. Both homework and my classes. This year I have to Work my but off so I can get into med school.  As my motivation I created a studyblr tumblr which is great at motivating me. Also I'm watching loads of Gilmore Girls.

Me 2014 has been a year where I haven't focused on myself at all! I've been seeing a psychologist, but that's 45 minutes a week I focus on myself. This year I want to get better at saying no, and do what I want.

Blog Last but not least, do I want to post more blogs. I need to get more posts than last year, and since this is my first, I'm already a lot behing. My goal is, to post at least twice a week, so in the end of this year, I'll have 104 blogposts. Also I wanna improve the content of my posts.

This is the five Things I wanna focus on this year, I will try to do a monthly update on them :)

Stay strong, stay safe and enjoy life
xoxo Lenette