
Saturday 31 October 2015

Questions about me

What is your middle name?: I have 2… Elizabeth June
Dear followers.
Since it's a long time since I blogged for real, I wanted to do this post. I borrowed the questions from
What was favourite subject at school?: Psychology
What is your favourite drink?: Ice tea
What is your favourite song at the moment?: I think it is How Long Will I Love You :)
What is your favourite food?: I'm not quite sure actually.
What is the last thing you bought?: A pair of adidas pants.
Favourite book of all time?: More than you can chew!!
Favourite Colour?: Dark red and navy
Do you have any pets?: Yes I have a labrador
Favourite Perfume?: Chanel
Favourite Holiday?: My dancing trip to Sweden
Are you married?: Nope
Have you ever been out of the country, if so how many times?: Yes
Do you speak any other language?: Danish and a tiny bit of german.
How many siblings do you have?: None
What is your favourite shop?: Bookstores
Favourite restaurant?: I don't know
When was the last time you cried?: Today
Favourite Blog?: I love Zoella
Favourite Movie?: 9. April - A danish movie
Favourite TV show?: Gilmore Girls and Greys Anatomy
PC or Mac?: I have a PC, but want a Mac
What phone do you have?: Black iPhone 6
How tall are you?: 5ft 5
Can you cook?: No :(

Hope you enjoyed

Friday 30 October 2015

Okay what happened?

Dear readers.

The last year I have been struggeling to write on my blog. Not because I didn't want to, but because I have been ill. Not physically but mentally. This is difficult to write, because it is a very private topic, and I didn't know whether to write it or not, but now I did it. 

During the last 6 month I have been in and out of the mental hospital three times. Two of them were really short, but the second time was two weeks. It helped me a lot. When nothing but your thoughts are filling up your head, it is kind of nice to go in and be able to talk about everything and become able to actually sleep.I changed school after the first time I was in. That was the best decition I've ever made. Now I actually love to go to school, but it is very hard.

Another thing that happened to me is an amazing thing. I got a boyfriend. An amazing guy. We just took a big step into our relationship and bought a car together. So exiting.

I wanted to make this ost to tell what has been going on, but I will work on to actually post more.


Monday 5 October 2015

I'm Back!

Yay I'm back! I've missed blogging so much, and now I have the time again to blog. A lot of things have happened. I've got a boyfriend, I changed school and I've been way too much on the hospital. I am really looking forward to blog a lot more in the future.

Xxx Lenette