
Thursday 13 February 2014


Three months ago my mum and I decided that it was about time that I had to handle my own money, all by myself because I will turn 18 in september, and then I have to do it ALL by myself. I don't have a job, so and that meant that I didn´t have any money. My first thought was: yes, now i can finally go shopping a lot more, but NO! 

The first month was December, which meant, that I had to go Christmas shopping. That took my money away the first month.

The next month was obviously January, and I had to pay for a lot of things I had to go to with my dance class, and I had to pay for a few parties I was going to. Yes I know that wasn´t exactly necessary, but I thought it was time to socialize a place where I didn´t knew everyone, also two of my friends wanted me to go, so I got out of my comfort zone and went to the parties. During January I realised that my contacts wouldn´t last forever, and I needed to get some really soon or else danceclasses, workouts etc would become a living hell to me, because I either wouldn´t be able to see anything and get really dizzy or my classes wont be able to stay on my nose because of sweat. Also I got this brilliant idea in the late January tha I would join the gym. Which I love so much, but my budget don´t agree, so I sadly had to go and tell them that I couldn´t stay due to money problems. 

In february I started to feel that I was able to control my money a bit more, but as soon as I had that thought I remembered I still haven´t bought my contacts and I have to pay for the gym AND danceclasses, so I only got a bit left. Now I´m looking forward to March because I "only" have contacts and dance to pay for and then I can buy the stuff I really need.

My point in all this is, that money is not easy and I, after this experience, think that it´s important to try to be responsible for your money before you´re all by yourself, also to not only go shopping, but realise that theres actually things you NEED to buy even though you don´t wanna spend your money on it. I am glad that my parents let me have this experience before I´ll turn 18 and have to do this by my self, and then it´ll be much more serious because I will have bills and stuff. 

Also I'm trying to save some money if I suddently need something, like a trip with school and so on, and that is basically my best advise if you want to be responsible with your money.

Stay strong, Stay safe and love life
xoxo Le

Saturday 1 February 2014

YouTube <3

Hi guys! 

I am so sorry I haven't written in a while, I've been sooooo stressed. School is killing me, but I think I'm starting to get used to it :) A new thing I started (haven't started properly yet but will soon!) is YouTube. I'm really starting to enjoy what I'm doing and YouTube makes me so happy. Also the shop where my dad but all his photostuff donated a really awesome editing program to me so i can edit some nice videos :) 

You can search for my channel on Live and love Le :)

Stay safe, stay strong and love life

Xoxo Lenette