
Tuesday 26 August 2014

Turning 18

Turning 18 has always been a big milestone for me. When you're 18 you're an adult. You have to make your own decisions and in the end, they're all up to you. When you're 18 you decide what to do with your life. If you want to become and artist, its you're decision to go follow your dreams. Your parents can't force you not to do what exactly you want. 

I remember the thing about turning 18 I was the most exited about was getting my drivers license. Now, at the age of 17 years and 11 months I am in the middle of getting my drivers license (which takes forever in Denmark). I have been waiting for this since I can remember. For a lot of people this wouldn't be a big deal, but I can not only do what I want, I also have the opportunity to go on adventures with my mum I haven't been able to do before because she has an injured back so she can barely drive.   

Even though there's 100 of exiting and new things you can do when you turn 18, there's also the downside of turning 18. You get bills to pay, people expect you to act like an adult, and I feel like my inner child is fading. It's hard to stay childish in a world where you gotta act like a grown up and take responsibility. 

Please go to twitter (link will come) and tell me what you think is the worst about growing up, and I will answer you :)

Instagram: Liveandlovele
Pinterest: Liveandlovele

Stay strong, stay safe and enjoy life
xoxo Lenette


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